Chip 2007 January, February, March & April
Hity z okladki
Anarchy Online 17.0
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# GFX tweak file
# ---------------
!include { Tweak_DebugMonitor.txt }
Object GAME
Unsigned FXID: e_GameInterfaceObject
Unsigned Use: e_Automatic
# The following values are written to by the game.
Unsigned SetRenderEngine: e_RenderEngine_Default # Which rendering engine to use
Float GameDayTime: 0 # Time of day, ranges from 0.0 to 27 * 60 * 4
Quaternion GameSun1Rotation: q( 0,1,0,0 ) # Rotational position of sun 1
Quaternion GameSun2Rotation: q( 0,1,0,0 ) # Rotational position of sun 2
Float CloudTranspariency: 0 # How much we can see through thick clouds
Float ThickCloudsIntensity: 0 # How visible thick clouds are
Float HighAltitudeWindX: 0 # High altitude wind force in X direction
Float HighAltitudeWindZ: 0 # High altitude wind force in Z direction
Float OffsetFromHQ_X: 0 # Relative position from Omni-HQ in X plane
Float OffsetFromHQ_Z: 0 # Relative position from Omni-HQ in Z plane
Float GameDeltaTime: 0 # Time used on previous frame in game
Vector GameCameraPosition: v( 0,0,0 ) # Position of camera
Quaternion GameCameraRotation: q( 0,1,0,0 ) # Rotation of camera
Float GameWaveCurve0: 0 # Sin/cos wave
Float GameWaveCurve1: 0 # Sin/cos wave
Float GameWaveCurve2: 0 # Sin/cos wave
Float GameWaveCurve3: 0 # Sin/cos wave
Float GameWaveCurve4: 0 # Sin/cos wave
Float GameWaveCurve5: 0 # Sin/cos wave
Float GameWaveCurve6: 0 # Sin/cos wave
Float GameWaveCurve7: 0 # Sin/cos wave
Float GameWaveCurve8: 0 # Sin/cos wave
Float GameWaveCurve9: 0 # Sin/cos wave
Float GameWaveCurve10: 0 # Sin/cos wave
Float GameWaveCurve11: 0 # Sin/cos wave
Float GameWaveCurve12: 0 # Sin/cos wave
Float GameWaveCurve13: 0 # Sin/cos wave
Float GameWaveCurve14: 0 # Sin/cos wave
Float GameWaveCurve15: 0 # Sin/cos wave
Vector LowAltitudeWind: v( 0,0,0 ) # Wind direction at low altitude
Float GameStormIntensity: 0 # Current storm intensity
Float GamePrecipitationIntensity: 0 # Current precipitation intensity
Vector GameSunDirection: v( 0,0,0 ) # Direction of sun
Float GameShowSpaceship 0 # 1.0 if to show spaceships, 0.0 if not.
Unsigned SystemTime 0u # Time in seconds since 1970
Float SystemSecond 0 # Current second, a value between 0.0 and 1.0
# The following are interface values, used in order to be able to
# freeze time for all scripts.
Float CurrentDayTime: This.GameDayTime
Float DayTimeForGroundShadows This.GameDayTime * 15
Float DayTimeFactor: This.CurrentDayTime / 6480 #* 10 % 1
Float DayIntensity [5] 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0
Float NightIntensity [5] 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
Float CurrentDayIntensity: This.DayIntensity[This.DayTimeFactor]
Float CurrentNightIntensity: This.NightIntensity[This.DayTimeFactor]
Quaternion Sun1Rotation: This.GameSun1Rotation
Quaternion Sun2Rotation: This.GameSun2Rotation
Vector Unit1ZDirection: v( 0,0,1 )
Vector TweakedSunDirection: This.Unit1ZDirection [ROT] This.Sun1Rotation
Vector UpDirection v( 0,1,0 )
Vector ForwardDirection v( 0,0,1 )
Vector CutY v( 1,0,1 )
Vector CutXY v( 0,0,1 )
Vector CutZY v( 1,0,0 )
Unsigned RenderEngine This.SetRenderEngine
String ScriptSpawnPacket "PACKET_TYPE_FXS_SCRIPT"